Monday, June 2, 2008

Cons about doxycycline for acne and clearasil tinted acne cream

However, the best treatment depends on how deep the pore blockage and the infection are. Isotretinoin (e.g. Accutane and Accure) is an oral prescriptive acne treatment that slows down the production of sebum, and therefore helps the condition to clear up. Antibiotics can help to clear up bacterial infections, and there are also a variety of creams and lotions than can effective clear up mild cases of back acne. Benzoyl peroxide (Oxy or Clearasil Max) can be effective on the back, but don't use it on your face, and an antibacterial soap can help to keep the surface of your skin clean and free from bacteria.
Antibacterial/ antifungal - echinacea, white willow bark, calendula, goldenseal, blue flag, nettles, cleavers. Lavender kills germs on the skin, stimulates new cell growth and helps heal acne scars.
But getting clear doesn't work that way. It's not an on/off switch. It's a process or a journey during which your body heals and rebalances itself.
tags: best makeup to stop acne, can birth control pills help acne, where to buy tanning lotion for acne prone skin

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