Thursday, July 3, 2008

Can cigarette smoking cause acne and adult body acne

No one likes getting spots and some people get them more than others. They normally occur in their greatest frequency during our teenage years and into our twenties. They can occur later than that, but that is generally uncommon.
Another old wives tale that has been debunked is the belief that there is a direct cause and effect link between foods such as chocolate and the incidence and severity of acne lesions. An avoidance of such foods may be healthful for other reasons, but avoiding chocolate or other fatty foods will not guarantee an acne remedy. Eat healthfully, for the sake of your body's health, but don't expect dietary considerations to totally remove the scourge of acne.
Very often acne rosacea is misdiagnosed or even ignored. There are obvious differences between acne rosacea and the common acne (acne vulgaris). Acne vulgaris is the usual puberty whiteheads and blackheads condition. Rosacea is developed by people in the 30-50 years old age range and it affects the facial skin in the nose, chicks, forehead and it's not associated with the oil glands sebum production.
tags: how to prevent acne cysts, how to clear acne and blemishes, over the counter topical acne scarring treatment

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